Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A long time comin'

There have been so many people that have emailed me.  Too many to count.  I am so grateful that this blog is touching people across the world.  That is such an answer to prayer.  To all those people who have emailed me, and I haven't responded yet, I want to say:

First of all, THANK YOU.  I'm blessed that you reached out to me, whether it be for help and answers about PN/E, to send me a note of encouragement, or just to find out how I'm doing.  I read your email, and I care about you.  However, I have set time apart for myself, my daughter and husband, and for my time with God, seeking Him about what I am to do forward.  That is the only reason why I haven't answered personal emails to my fightpne@yahoo.com address.  I have to take care of myself and sometimes that means taking a step away from the world of PNE.  I also have been fighting CRPS and neuroplasticity, so it's been tough lately.

But to answer (vaguely - and I apologize) some of the questions:

- Yes, I am much better since my surgery in Austria last October 2011.  I am able to do SO much more!  My walking is much better, almost normal on most days, and sitting IS possible without a cushion or seat, and I can do it for longer periods of time as the months go on.  However, in times of flare up, or whatever the "centrally maintained pain" is --- things get rough.  I won't lie about that.  I don't know what is going on in my brain, spinal cord, pain receptors, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, pudendal nerve, legs, feet, anything.  I wish I knew... I wish the doctors knew.  The only thing I know I can count on is this:


He is the ONLY one who knows what is going on with me, and what is to come.... and His word is TRUE and that is what I will continue to rely on - that I will be COMPLETELY healed from this -- ALL of this.... and I will live the abundant life that He promised me (and you-- and all those that believe) in His word.  I will NEVER let go of the prophetic word spoken over me when my daughter was only 4 months old and we didn't know what was wrong with me.  "God wants to heal your nervous system."

I will never let that go and God knows it!  He doesn't want me to let go of it!

God is good --

Sometimes I have bad days --- really bad days.... but God is good.  I argue with Him a lot, and yell at Him, but His love never fails.

What a great God we serve.  He forgives me again and again.

And I will not give up and neither should you!

I will be back advocating and answering personal emails (God willing) sooner than later.

Much love to all

Psalm 103

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