Friday, June 8, 2012

I will run

I have had this on my mind ever since the weather got nicer. I will run again. I will really run. I will run and run and run... Maybe away for awhile. But literally, I will run. With. No. Pain.


Heather said...

this made me cry because my PT said to me a few days ago, when we get you running again. I literally almost cried in her office. does she really think that is a possibility? I want to believe her and in healing but it is so hard. But, I will run again too.

SCquilts said...

I support you making this goal! In my mind I can already see the photo of you finishing your first 5K Fun Run/Walk (maybe with your daughter and husband) and then a 10K run.
I want you to run the pants off this disease! For all of us who will rise from our beds and follow!