Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Safe in His arms

I am so blessed. At Monday night's Pittsburgh Gospel Choir rehearsal, we rehearsed a beautiful song entitled "Safe in His Arms". I cannot express how much this song affected me that night. The beautiful voice of Donna, the soloist, filled the East Liberty Presbyterian Church cathedral space. The lyrics speak to the heart. Everyone at some point in their life will have some (or many) defining moments where the soul desperately cries out to the Lord, for blessing, answers, wisdom, healing, faith, restoration. But, Oh... the Lord!!! Oh, how He is so willing. Let the song minister to you. Believe BELIEVE my friends. And be humbled because of the sacrifice He made for YOU.

Because the Lord is my shepherd,
I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in the meadow's grass
and He leads me beside the quiet streams,

He restoreth my failing health,
and He helps me to do what honors Him the most;
that's why I'm safe, that's why I'm safe,
that's why I'm safe, safe In His arms.

When the storms of life are raging and the billows roll,
I'm glad He shall hide me safe in His arms.

I'm glad He shall hide me.

Safe in His arms.
(repeat as desired)

Now, words are beautiful. But a heavenly voice anointed by the Holy Spirit brings much glory to God.

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