Saturday, January 8, 2011

PayPal Donations now being accepted

So, in order to accomplish this, I am asking for your donations. It doesn't have to be a lot. Well, maybe a little bit more than 50 cents. But, I have a vision, while I lay here on the couch recovering AND FOR WHEN I'M BETTER. It's not going to stop then. My vision is to EDUCATE medical professionals about Pudendal Nerve Entrapment. I want to make packets, talk to doctors, nurses, WHOMEVER will listen about Pudendal Nerve Entrapment! I have contacts in the medical world.... not getting into that now. Other than those contacts, when I lived in CA, I worked for a Continuing Medical Education accreditation agency for Physicians, and we were constantly trying to come up with new and innovative topics for doctors to become educated on. Short of going door to door, I'm going to spread the word. So, I figured out how to put a PayPal logo on this website, and there is a DONATE button in the bottom right of this page. I donated to it myself to get it started and have some ammo in the account. This money is NOT going to me. I don't want or need money. What I want and need is to get the word out on PNE. This will help get it done. I welcome anyone who is willing to help, with ideas, or anything. God bless.


Marie Josee said...

When I get back to work, I will donate then. My husband barely makes enough money to support him and I. I can't afford to sonate at this time for he is also paying my student loans without me being finished with my degree and I hate to ask him for more money. I am sorry, I hope u understand.

Unknown said...

+1 J! not much but hope it helps and may He bless you in your healing!

trulium said...

I really appreciate the kind of topics you post here. Thanks for sharing us a great information that is actually helpful.
CME grant development